He heals the brokenhearted

He healed the brokenhearted
Jesus comforting a person with a broken heart, symbolizing His healing and divine love. Reflect on this image to feel the presence of Jesus in times of sorrow and brokenness, knowing that He is always there to offer comfort and healing.

And HE binds up their wounds

This line is reminiscent of several passages in the Bible where Jesus shows his compassion and healing power, particularly towards those who are suffering or in distress. One such passage that reflects this theme is found in Psalm 147:3: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” This verse highlights God’s care and concern for those who are hurting.


  1. God’s Compassion:
    • The scripture emphasizes God’s deep compassion and love for those who are brokenhearted. He is portrayed as a healer who is always ready to mend the wounds of those who come to Him with their pain and sorrows.
  2. Healing Power:
    • This verse reassures us that no matter how deep our wounds are, God’s healing power is greater. His ability to heal is not limited by the severity of our brokenness.
  3. Invitation to Trust:
    • We are invited to trust in God’s ability to heal. It is a call to bring our brokenness to Him, believing that He will bind our wounds and restore us.


  1. Prayer:
    • Spend some time in prayer, bringing your own brokenness and the pain of others to God. Ask for His healing touch in areas of your life that need restoration.
  2. Meditation:
    • Meditate on the ways God has healed you in the past. Reflect on His faithfulness and let it strengthen your trust in His ongoing work in your life.
  3. Acts of Kindness:
    • Consider how you can be an instrument of God’s healing in the lives of others. Reach out to someone who is hurting and offer them your support and compassion.

Personal Reflection Questions:

  1. What areas of my life feel broken or wounded right now?
  2. How have I experienced God’s healing in the past?
  3. How can I extend God’s love and healing to someone in my community today?

Feel free to share your thoughts or any specific questions you have about this passage or how it applies to your life. 

Prayer for 9 days to heal a broken heart

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