The Sage and the Scorpion

The Sage and the Scorpion
The Sage and the Scorpion

The Sage and the Scorpion

An inspiring spiritual  story that speaks to the transformative power of love and forgiveness:

Once upon a time, a wise sage was meditating by the river. It was a serene morning, with the sound of birds chirping and the gentle flow of the river providing a soothing backdrop. As he meditated, the sage noticed a scorpion struggling in the water, being swept away by the current. Without hesitation, the sage reached out to rescue the scorpion.

As soon as his hand touched the scorpion, it stung him. The sage quickly pulled back his hand, wincing in pain. Despite the sting, he tried again to save the scorpion, only to be stung a second time. A passerby, seeing this, called out to the sage: “Why do you keep trying to save that scorpion? It will only sting you again and again!

The sage looked at the passerby and smiled gently. “It is in the nature of the scorpion to sting,” he replied “but it is in my nature to save. Should I change my nature because the scorpion does not change its?

With determination and compassion, the sage made one more attempt. This time, he managed to scoop the scorpion out of the water and safely place it on the shore. The scorpion scurried away, and the sage returned to his meditation, his heart at peace.


This story teaches us about the importance of staying true to our own nature, even when faced with adversity. The sage’s act of compassion and forgiveness, despite being hurt, demonstrates the power of love and the strength of character. It reminds us that our actions should not be dictated by the actions of others but by our own principles and values.

Spiritual Exercise

Take a moment to reflect on a time when you were hurt by someone else’s actions. How did you respond? In your journal, write about how you can practice compassion and forgiveness in similar situations. Consider ways to stay true to your values, even when it’s challenging.

By embracing our true nature and acting with love and compassion, we can transform not only our own lives but also the world around us.

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